Sunday, October 9, 2011

Lessons from Retailers....

I was at my friend's birthday party today and she received many gift cards. In fact, she received one from me. I give gift cards all the time. I love receiving them also. I know there are some of you out there who think it is a cop out to give a gift card. But I really prefer one. I can buy what I like or need and enjoy it fully. I don't have to pretend to like the gift, or worry about exchanging or returning it or feel guilty about not liking the gift you spent time and effort picking out.

What can we as counselors learn from retailers? Have you ever thought about giving a gift card for counseling? Do you think people would buy (or give) them? Maybe, maybe not. A gift card might not be exactly right for counseling, but what about coupons?

I have to admit, I watch Extreme Couponing. And the concept really intrigues me. I have always clipped coupons for items I commonly purchased, because I like a good value. But Extreme Couponing has shown me ways to get most of my toiletries for free!! That has been extremely fun for me. (I promise never to be a Crazy Couponer though and stockpile a million rolls of toilet paper - I only buy what I use, give away or donate.)

Think about it. If you get a really good coupon in the mail, for a FREE widget, would you give it a chance? For free? What is the risk? There is none. Why not try it and see if you like it?

What about a great restaurant coupon, like buy one dinner get one free? Wouldn't you go check that place out? Why not? Half price meals.

I get coupons all the time. If they are for new places or new products, I usually only try them out if they are FREE or a really great deal - at least 50% off. But if I get a coupon for something I already use or someplace I already go, and they are offering me a discount to go back or buy it again, of course I use it. I make sure I come back or buy it before the coupon expires.

I have used coupons of different types and amounts over the years in my counseling practice. Some people do free consultations, either on the phone, or better yet, in person. Maybe 15 or 30 minute free consultations to explain the counseling process in person and start building rapport. You could advertise your "Free Consultation" in local newspapers, magazines, on your website, or put it on business cards for your referral sources to hand out to potential clients.

If you don't want to do free consultations for everyone, you can send coupons to select people only or give them to your best referral sources to offer as a benefit to their clients only. It is a win-win-win for you, the referral source, and the client who gets something of value for free.

If you don't like the idea of giving away your time for free, you can do a discount coupon - $25 or $50 off your first session. Or, an even better option is to use a coupon to bring back your "lost" clients. Lost clients are former clients who stopped coming to counseling for one reason or another. You can reactivate them by offering a special deal for them to return to receive your wonderful counseling services once again. You can offer them a "Buy One Get One Free" or "Buy 3 Get the 4th Free" or "Buy 9 Get the 10th Free" session. This will get your clients to commit to returning for multiple sessions.

Just think about it... what kind of coupons would you use? What makes you try a new restaurant? What makes you willing to return somewhere you stopped going? What makes you want to try something new? Think about how you can make couponing work in your counseling practice.

What do you have to lose? Only the printing and postage costs. If you get one new client or one returning client then the coupons will pay for themselves and more. At the very least, you get your name in front of potential or former clients again...

Let me know how this works for you - send me an email to

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